The reason for SASNEV’s existence is the development and expansion of the SASNEV information community, primarily for the benefit of the Afrikaans-speaking community, by marketing, networking and participation in demand-driven projects.
A dynamic, independent centre where the cultural interests of the Netherlands, Flanders and South Africa meet, primarily aimed at Afrikaans-speaking South Africans, and with the purpose of achieving shared language and other cultural experiences through demand-driven projects.
We support free and honest communication and operate in a trustworthy manner both internally and with regard to our information network.
We acknowledge the importance of balancing multiple interests and make decisions based on the promotion of South African, Dutch and Flemish cultural and language exchanges.
We remain informed about and stay connected with important issues regarding language and culture, and we contribute positively towards debates and issues in our information community.
We support one another as SASNEV members, be it at board or management level, or on project-related issues, and we respect one another’s thinking through open and honest communication.
Independent thinking
We believe in the unique perspective that each individual can contribute, and are known as an organisation in which innovative thinking is encouraged, supported and constructively debated and evaluated with respect for each person’s opinion.
We pride ourselves on being good managers of the funds that are entrusted to us. We make well-informed decisions, and embark on projects only when we are convinced of their impact and workability. We take responsibility for our actions and deal with all donated funds in an open and transparent manner.
SASNEV networks with like-minded organisations abroad and in South Africa…
- Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns
- Afrikaanse Taalmuseum
- Vriende van Afrikaans
- Stigting vir Bemagtiging deur Afrikaans (SBA)
- Embassy of Belgium in South Africa
- Representative of the Flemish Government in South Africa
- Embassy of the Netherlands in South Africa
- US Woordfees
- Suid-Oosterfees
- Absa KKNK
- De Roets
…and has signed agreements of cooperation with:
- Voorzittersoverleg van het Zuid-Afrika Huis in Amsterdam, which consists of:
- Nederlands-Zuidafrikaanse Vereniging
- Suid-Afrikaanse Instituut
- Stichting Studiefonds
SASNEV is supported by the following organisations:
- Vlaams-Zuidafrikaanse Cultuurstichting – Flanders
- Stichting voor de bevordering van culturele belangen Nederland-Zuid-Afrika – Netherlands
- International Orde van den Prince – International
- Van Ewijck Stichting – International
- Stichting Neerlandia – International
- Marnixring – International
- Algemeen Nederlands Verbond (ANV) – International
- Suid-Afrikaanse Vereniging vir Neerlandistiek (SAVN)
At present SASNEV houses:
- Nederlandse Bibliotheek, managed by de Vrienden van de Nederlandse Bibliotheek
- Learn Dutch
- Ibby South Africa
- Biblionef South Africa
SASNEV is managed and controlled by the Huis der Nederlanden Foundation, which was established by a Netherlands-based board of trustees called the Willem de Zwijger Foundation. The Huis der Nederlanden Foundation operating in South Africa is also controlled and governed by a board of trustees. The Foundation is in control of the centre, which is headed by a permanent manager. The first chairperson of the board of trustees was Anneke van Niekerk and the first manager of the Huis der Nederlanden was Zirkëa Ellis. She was followed by Daniel Hugo. The current manager of SASNEV and manager of the projects undertaken by SASNEV, Eureka Barnard, was appointed in September 2009.
Management Board
- Jan Mutton (chairperson)
- Andries Visagie (deputy chairperson)
- Nicol Stassen (treasurer)
- Eureka Barnard (secretary)
- Hendrik Theys (member)
- Ena Jansen (member)
Staff and co-workers
- Eureka Barnard: permanent manager and project manager
- Nomfundo Landu: permanent general go-to person
- Lieneke Pasman: ad hoc general office assistant
- Brian Brady: after-hours general go-to person (ad hoc)
- Pieter Meiring: project leader Information Centre (Infoteek) and SASNEV website
Effective management implementation
The role of SASNEV’s management is to take responsibility for the management of the centre and the implementation of projects, whether directly or by using contractors or staff, and to bring any management issues to the attention of the board timeously. SASNEV’s strategy for 2013 is ambitious. Previously no provision was made for project managers or for project leaders and co-workers, but since 2011 SASNEV has started to appoint a project leader and co-workers per project. The project leaders and co-workers may be individuals or partners who share the vision of SASNEV and the goal of the project and who are able to implement the project as per agreement.
The Stichting Huis der Nederlanden was founded in 1997 by the Stichting Willem de Zwijger, a Flemish and Dutch-based foundation. One year later, in 1998, the Stichting ZASM, also became a principal benefactor.
Through the years various other organisations have also assisted financially. Since the transformation of the Huis der Nederlanden to the South African Centre for the Netherlands and Flanders, assistance is being sought for outcome-based projects.